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The Lord Will Look After You – Divine Deliverer

Date: March 4, 2018/Speaker: Pastor Terry Coe/Comments: 0
Good morning!

For today and next week, my message title is “The Lord will look after You”!

Psalm 34 is truly a declaration of total belief that God will look after those who trust and obey God. you cannot trust someone who you do not believe in!

I will be looking at the first half (34:1-10 I have called this the “Divine Deliverer”) this week and the second half (34:11-22 called it “Righteous Rescued”) next week.

First, a bit of background on Psalm 34.

An “Old Testament Survey” tells us that this Psalm was written by King David. It is an Acrostic Psalm where verses or sections of the Psalm begin with Hebrew alphabetic letters. Pg. 19

Lawrence Richards, in his book “The Bible Readers Companion” gives us this background to this Psalm. “This teaching Psalm shares lessons David learned when he became discouraged and fled to Philistia. When he was recognized he pretended to be insane and was driven out of his enemy’s land. (1 Sam. 21:10-22:2) God delivered David despite his lapse of faith, teaching the psalmist that God keeps continual watch on His own.” Pg. 358

Lawrence Richards continues with this outline: “David praises God for His continual goodness to him (34:1-7) and calls on the hearer to ‘taste and see that the Lord is good’ (vv. 8-10). Pg.358

King David was a man who failed many times and had enemies trying to kill him. Through all these trials, David did not lose sight or taste of the loving God that walked with him through it all. His faith stayed strong and God honored that faith.

Psalm 34:1-10 NIV

1 I will extol the Lord at all times;

   his praise will always be on my lips.

Notice David does not say “when things are good, I will praise”. He is stating that in all circumstances, good or bad, and at all times, he will give God the glory and praise! 

2 My soul will boast in the Lord;

   let the afflicted hear and rejoice. 

Here David is telling all those who are going through bad times, tough times, to hear what he is saying and be excited that God is with them.

3 Glorify the Lord with me;

   let us exalt his name together.

Now David invites those troubled people to come with him to praise God and give God the honor and respect God deserves.

The “Message” by Eugene Peterson phrases these three verses a little differently.

I bless God every chance I get; my lungs expand with God’s praise.

I live and breathe God; if things aren’t going well, hear this and be happy:

Join me in spreading the news; together let’s get the word out.” Pg.950

4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me;

   he delivered me from all my fears.

David gives insight into his life of struggle and the incredible fact that God always answers and delivers from fear.

5 Those who look to him are radiant;

   their faces are never covered with shame. 

As I have shared before and David is saying here, when we believe in God and allow God to lead us through life, we are always in the presence of God and therefore reflect God’s radiance outward to others.

6 This poor man called, and the Lord heard him;

   he saved him out of all his troubles. 

David puts himself at the level of all those who struggle through life and gives them hope of a savior, God, who will hear and protect. 

7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,

   and he delivers them.

What a promise this is! God will protect those who respect and are in awe of God. The “Divine Deliverer”! 

8 Taste and see that the Lord is good;

   blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. 

Taste and sight are very strong ways to know something exists and allows us to trust in it. We need to taste and see God’s love and then live in it.

9 Fear the Lord, you his saints,

   for those who fear him lack nothing. 

Respect for God is crucial, and God responds by providing all the needs of genuine worshipers.

10 The lions may grow weak and hungry,

   but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.

Even the powerful lions go without food at times due to circumstances. We will lack nothing if we seek God because God will provide all good things.

Halley’s Handbook states: “In every trouble David went straight to God in Prayer. On every Deliverance he went instantly to God in Thanks and Praise. What a glorious thing to thus LIVE IN GOD.” pg.257

Throughout recorded history, God has provided for those who follow the directions that God has given them. Even when times bring great trials, God is there and providing. We need to praise God always, good or bad! Then we will be looked after and will shine with the glory of God’s presence.

Denys Blackmore, President of “Every Home for Christ”, is quoted from his letter to supporters this March: “Something profound happens in people’s lives when they become focused on the Gospel and its mission to lost people.”

Therefore, messages in churches should focus on the Gospel of our Lord – salvation for the lost and abundant life for God’s people.

King David’s psalm is to encourage God’s people and to call to those who do not have a relationship with our Lord. When we trust and respect God, we will become the beacons that lead others to God.

The Lord will look after you!

Let us pray!

  • NIV “Scripture taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version.

    Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.”

  • The Experiencing God Study Bible (Broadman & Holman Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee, 1994)
  • The NIV Study Bible, 10th Anniversary Edition Copyright © (Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1995) All rights reserved
  • Eugene Peterson, The Message (Navpress, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 2002)
  • Lawrence O. Richards, The Bible Readers Companion (Halo Press – Ottenheimer Publishers, Owing Mills, MD, 1991)
  • Henry H. Halley, Halley’s Bible Handbook (Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1959)
  • Old Testament Survey (Evangelical Teacher Training Association, Wheaton, Illinois, 1972)

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